Our earth is a unique planet. Life originated on it. Over thousands of years, humankind existed without leaving a profound mark on the environment. In the meantime, our constantly growing need for space and natural resources is putting pressure on ecosystems around the world. The exhibition EARTH AT ITS LIMITS explains our role in nature. How is our planet? Which natural processes do we influence and what are the consequences for nature and for people? What are the longterm consequences of our actions? How can we shape the future?

The Blue Planet
The Earth is the only planet we know on which life can exist. It is approx. 4.6 billion years old and life forms arose around 3.7 billion years ago. Evidence of human existence goes back 300,000 years.

The System of Nature
Life needs energy. Sunlight triggers natural cycles that allow organisms to grow, move and reproduce. Animals, plants, fungi and microorganisms form ecosystems - networks of interrelationships with each other and their environment.

The Antropocene
We humans are in integral part of these ecosystems. For millennia, man lived in harmony with nature. Yet we now are causing profound changes on the planet. The "Age of Man" has begun.

The Big Issues
The relationship between man and nature is off balance. We humans are meanwhile changing living conditions on earth. Entire ecosystems are coming under pressure. Six megatrends sum up the greatest challenges.